Monday 11 January 2010

Fed up with Snow

It was lovely to see the snow at first and to take photos around the garden for scrapbooking but it has gone on long enough and with various activities cancelled I thought I'd challenge myself to do something new while stuck at home. I love following other people's Craft blogs and getting inspiration from their designs so thought I'd have a go at blogging!

This card was inspired by one of Gaynor's classes at The Glitterpot. She loves choosing suitable papers to decoupage stamps and this Magenta Fuchsia stamp works a treat for a birthday card and made one for a friend this morning. Hope she likes it and hope the layering shows up.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gill

    Looks like you have got yourself all organised. The card is lovely and the layering is fabulous. Your friend is very lucky

    Well done

